
Our small team of dedicated therapists offer a comprehensive range of assessments both in-home, at school and in the clinic. We understand every family is unique and are skilled in personalising your child’s assessment to each individual referral.

 Assessment can be standardised or non-standardised or a combination. They can be standalone assessments or completed to support existing therapy (as a baseline or to review progress). We always consider the underlying sensory systems at work.

We accept referrals from Parents, Schools, Local Authorities, and wider Professionals. Fostering or Adoption specific referrals must be received from the commissioning Social Work Department.

Areas Assessed

Assessments Available

Each assessment includes observations of functional tasks and the most relevant standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, selected for your child according to their needs.

We can do a nursery, pre-school or primary school visit to support the assessment, at an additional cost.

  • Early Years Assessment: 3 to 5 years old

    This includes parent and school liaison and a comprehensive initial assessment, one to one, with your child over two 45-minute clinic visits.

    Once the assessment has been scored and analysed, we will complete a detailed, written report with recommendations which will be sent to you within 3 weeks.

  • Primary School Age Assessment: 5 to 12 years old

    This includes parent and school liaison and a comprehensive initial assessment, one to one (up to a 2-hour session) at home, in the clinic or school environment, depending on what’s best for your child.

    Once the assessment has been scored and analysed, we will complete a detailed written report with recommendations which will be sent to you within 3 weeks.

  • Screening Assessment: 3 to 13 years old

    This includes parent and school liaison and a comprehensive initial assessment, one session (up to a 1 and a half hours) at home, in the clinic or at school.

    Once assessed and scored, a detailed analysis of findings will be undertaken, and this will inform our joint therapy plan discussion with you over a 45-minute zoom or phone call. There is no written report (only verbal feedback).

  • Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) Assessment: 3 to 13 years old

    This includes the Primary School Age Assessment, but we allow for up to 3 hours for the assessment. School observations to support the assessment are included. Some travel costs will be incurred.

    We write in a recognised EHCP format which includes setting Occupational Therapy outcomes, EHCP recommendations, and detailed OT Provision required.

Please do contact us for Local Authority, Social Services or Adoption Service rates.