About Us
Equal Chance is a small, local, Paediatric Occupational Therapy Practice. We offer assessment and therapy in our clinic, via Telehealth, at your home, and in a range of educations settings, in and around Sevenoaks for children aged 3-13 years old.
We have a wealth of experience working with a range of neurological disorders including Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Developmental Delay and Social-Communication Difficulties. We work with children with sensory processing, motor and functional difficulties, using a sensory integrative frame of reference combined with sensory-motor, neurodevelopmental and other task-specific approaches. We work on daily functional skills including, motor skills, executive functioning, handwriting and sensory processing abilities.
Abigail Hancock (Founder)
I’m an HCPC / RCOT registered Occupational Therapist with many years of experience working with children and young people with a range of special educational needs.
I have focused my practice on sensory integration. I am fascinated by science and the brain, and I’m passionate about understanding what makes a child do what they do. It is my vocation to help children to fulfil their potential and have options, so they can choose, just like anyone else, what they want in life. Early Intervention is key to make that possible. I am continually developing my skills to be the best I can be at my job. I find it extremely satisfying to watch a child succeed. My motto in the clinic is ‘Yes you can!’.
In my spare time I am involved with my local church. I love animals, yoga, travel (especially Spain), walking my dog in nature, swimming and of course spending time with friends and family.
• BSc Hons Occupational Therapy
• Post Graduate Certificate in Sensory Integration
• Advanced Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration (SIPT Certified & CLASI Level 2–equivalent to SI Network Level 4)
• Trauma Informed Therapist having completed Attachment: Parent-Child Relationships (DMM Part 2), Building Underdeveloped Sensory Systems in children who have experienced developmental trauma and Sensory Attachment Intervention training.
• Post-Grad training in Handwriting, Executive Functioning Skills, Zones of Regulation, Therapeutic Listening, Quickshifts, and Bobath (Intro)
• Post-Grad training in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (helping children and young people with mental health issues)
• Mandatory Training annually incl.: Infection Control, Information Governance, Mental Capacity, Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding Children (L3), Manual Handling and Basic Life Support
• Continuing Professional Development annually incl.: splinting for children, signalong, sensory processing and positive interaction training, mental health awareness and keeping well (children and adults), Activities of Daily Life Equipment training, First Aid training, Outcomes Star and many others.
• On-going supervision from experts in different fields in paediatric OT and colleagues.
Siobhan is a very important member of the team. She is keen to help anyone. She is enthusiastic and will always do her best to answer your questions providing they are not clinical. She works part time hours and so will respond to emails and phone calls as soon as possible.
She works down the road (Help! VA Ltd.) and has an adorable Shihpoo called Frankie.
Specialist Occupational Therapist
Do you have over 2 years experience working with children (3-13 years old) in schools, homes and / or a clinic? Do you have post-graduate training in sensory integration? Are you enthusiastic and passionate about what you do?
Do you want a new job working as part of a small, highly professional, team with supervision and flexible work timetables? If so, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us.
Specialist Literacy Assessor
Mary can assess for Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties. She is registered with Professional Association of Teachers Of Students with Specific learning difficulties (PATOSS) and teaches teachers & SENCO's how best to support pupils with SpLD: Dyslexic, Dyspraxia, ADHD & Autism.
Mary has years of experience as a SENCO/specialist teacher. She is sensory integration informed and will soon finish her Masters dissertation in SI. Mary loves walking her cockapoo.
Speech and Language Therapist
Do you have over 2 years experience working with children (3-13 years old) in schools, homes and / or a clinic? Do you have post-graduate training in sensory integration? Are you enthusiastic and passionate about what you do?
Do you want a new job working as part of a small, highly professional team with supervision and flexible work timetables? If so, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us.
Our Ethos
We work to ensure that every child has an Equal Chance to fulfil their potential and succeed. Our vision is that each child is treated fairly by educational systems and within their community. It is our aim that every child has a voice, feels well, happy, valued and respected. We listen, observe and then understand.
We advocate for an educational, information sharing and collaborative approach to practice. We will work as a team around the child with you and the school.
We strongly believe therapy should be fun for everyone involved. We provide a gentle, caring and playful atmosphere in all sessions to achieve the best results. We are child-centred in all we do.
Social and Environmental Responsibility
We give back and donate 1% of annual profits to each of the following charities as they each have a special place in our hearts as they do such wonderful work to help children worldwide to have an Equal Chance at life. We also run a sustainable office. We recycle every day, use electronic record keeping and documentation, use a renewal energy source, are careful with lighting, reduce waste, use green cleaning products and donate unnecessary clutter to charity every year. There are feedback forms in the clinic, so if you have any other ideas, please do share then with us.